Terms of Service
User Agreement
Please read the following terms carefully before purchasing services from socialbayin.com. By registering with sosyalbayin.com and using its services, you declare that you have read, understood and accepted all conditions.
If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please do not use sosyalbayin.com services.
1. General
● All services you receive from socialbayin.com are billed on your behalf.
● The default minimum payment amount is 1 TL.
● Sosyalbayin.com may change service prices at any time without prior notice. The Payment / Refund policy remains constant.
● Sosyalbayin.com does not guarantee delivery time for any service. The starting times written on the services are the closest estimates we have stated.
● Only 1 order can be entered at the same time for 1 link. When 2 orders are entered at the same time, there may be incomplete submissions, sosyalbayin.com is not responsible.
● Sosyalbayin.com assumes no liability for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any service it offers, in possible situations such as suspension or closure of the account in which the transaction is made.
● Informative messages about our system can be sent to all system members via e-mail and mobile phones, but not very often. By becoming a member of the system, you give us the right to communicate.
● The limit per service is the limit per account. The account that uses a service with a maximum limit of 3k cannot shoot 4k.
● The fees stated against the products are 1,000 (1K) fees.
● Socialbayin.com has the right to send a message to the phone number of every user registered in the system at any time.
2. Service
● It will only be used to help increase "Appearance" for socialbayin.com Instagram/Twitter/Facebook or any other Social Media account.
● Sosyalbayin.com does not guarantee new followers and interaction, it only guarantees the amount received by payment.
● We work to make all bot accounts look real, but we do not guarantee that our accounts will be 100% accounts with profile pictures, bios and posts.
● Responsibility belongs to the member when transactions are made on confidential accounts. Before ordering, please make sure the account is public.
Return Policy
● Refunds are not possible for payments made, they must be used in sosyalbayin.com services.
● Instagram/Twitter/Facebook etc. We do not know when the services will be able to update, in case of any decrease, no refund can be made unless the service provider compensates.
● Your cancellation/refund request will not be accepted after the orders are entered into the system. If the order is not completed/partially completed, the system will automatically issue a refund.
● sosyalbayin.com reserves the right to remove the member in case of any chargeback or withdrawal in the payments made.
● Unauthorized transaction or stolen credit card, member account will be closed without exception for any fraudulent activity.
Privacy Policy
● This policy covers how your personal information will be used. Your privacy is important to us and every precaution is taken to protect it.
● All information entered into the system is hosted on encrypted and secure servers.
● Your information is never shared with third parties.